Hi, my name is Melissa. Pour yourself a cup of tea and stay a while. I'm completely devoted to my Savior, madly in love with my husband, and joyously raising my daughters. I'm so glad you stopped by and I hope you enjoy your time here!
Monday, February 19, 2018
Wulf the Saxon from Heirloom Audio Productions: A TOS Crew Review
I'm super excited to share this review with you! We were introduced to Heirloom Audio Productions last year and my daughters were jumping up and down when Wulf the Saxon arrived in the mail! More than once I was asked if we could listen during our meal-time. How can I not agree when I know we will all love it so much!
Isn't this cover art gorgeous?!? One of my piano students saw our CD set laying on the kitchen table and immediately wanted to know what this was and if he could listen to it. The old saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover," is not applicable! I assure you the story is just as intriguing as the cover indicates.
The dramatized retelling of this classic G.A. Henty tale takes place in the mid-way through the 11th century. It's a period of history I have not studied much until my oldest daughter spent extensive time learning about last year. This tale focuses on England and the beginnings of the fight for the throne. My oldest daughter really enjoyed it. My younger two not as much. I think the extent of the battles and wars didn't interest them as much and some of it was a little too intense for my youngest especially. This would lead me to say while there is nothing in any way objectionable with regard to content, it is intense. I think it wise to listen alongside a more sensitive child.
Rose is 12 and while she is not really thinking about relationships we have been having more and more conversations about marriage and seeking God in this matter. I absolutely adored the love story in this title and the way in which it was presented. At a time when arranged marriages were the normal, especially for the wealthy families, to marry for love was unimaginable. We take this for granted in our society and in all honesty take love for granted. I appreciated how this story showed what real love should be and the struggle it must have been for those in this society to actually marry for these reasons. The marriage which has been arranged for Wulf is not one he wishes. Instead he wishes to marry another girl for love.
Don't worry if you have boys though, it's not all about love! There are battles, shipwrecks, lords, dukes, and more action and adventure than you could imagine. Rose told me she likes that it is a true story, but not a history book. She loves audio dramas because they are a more interesting way to learn about history. Boys and girls alike will love this tale!
Live the Adventure Club is an excellent way to build your library of Heirloom Audio stories! In addition to the CDs you will have access to digital copies of the stories, soundtracks (my favorite!), and a study-guide resource to use alongside the tales as you listen. As I said before this is a fabulous way to learn history and the study guides will provide even more resources and historical context for your learning including discussion questions, vocabulary, word puzzles, and more. Not only is all of this available for the new tales you purchase, you also have access to an active community of like-minded parents in the forum, videos, movie reviews, old-time radio recordings, and more.
Don't forget to take a look at what my Crewmates have to say!
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