Preparing: Unit 10 (2nd half)
I'm super excited bout how well our week went with this guide. Rose has been begging me to do more work each day (yay for our beginning-of-the year bumps being worked out!). So I told her we'd try the last 2 days at full-speed this week to see what happened. My girl was such a champ and finished her work in record time. When I asked her what the difference was she said, "Well, I just decided I should work diligently because it is the right thing to do." I'll take it!
I really love using the ancient maps from Map Trek. I purchased them last spring during a sale and have found them to be quite useful, especially since the used copy of one of our history books is missing some of the maps. In Preparing we look at where specific locations on historical maps and then locate those same places on a modern day globe.
This week part of Rose's assignment included reading particular verse and discussing it with grown up. She chatted with her Grammy who lives in Florida which was really nice.
Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory: Unit 18

Beth is my little mathematician and she is very much enjoying Math Mammoth. We're filling in some gaps from the old 1st grade curriculum before we plunge ahead into 2nd which should be fairly soon. I really like the self-directed option with this math. While Rose prefers staying close, Bet likes to figure things out on her own. She comes and asks for help when needed, but she does well moving through the work on her own at the moment.
We studied Jesus Bids Us Shine this week for poetry and Beth chose to illustrate the poem. We were blessed to see a chalk pastel presentation over the weekend which inspired all of my girls to be artistic this week! Beth created a lighthouse scene using our own chalk pastels. She spent a really long time working on this piece and was very particular about her shading and blending.
This may be my favorite picture from the week. So relaxed and focused! Ralph S. Mouse was a huge victory for Beth. She has now fully moved into chapter books. At the end of the week she started reading a young reader's version of Anne of Green Gables, one of my all-time favorite novels!
Preschool: Patiently Awaiting the Next HOD Guide!

There is a little snippet of our week. What did your week look like?
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