I really have enjoyed reviewing books through Booksneeze over the last few months. They've recently changed their name and look of the blog. BookLook is the newly updated review group and I'm really excited to still be part of it.

I was recently given the wonderful opportunity to review the first four titles in a new series of Bible studies called
inScribed. The series is written by different women of all different backgrounds and walks of life. This particular fact intrigued me initially because so many Bible study series are by the same author. While this is nice because you know what to expect I liked the idea of hearing from different ladies. It has the feel of going to a ladies retreat and listening to different speakers all from the comfort of your own home. Knowing the publisher is Thomas Nelson gave me the assurance these books, although by different authors, would align with my theological convictions. I like knowing publishing companies before I start reading because it gives me a good idea of the perspective from which the author is coming.
Each title focuses on a different portion of Scripture. The variety represented is wonderful!

Amazed and Confused we dig deeper into the Minor Prophets. Studying the Minor Prophets is no easy task, but Hether Zempel does so with grace and humor right from the start. I appreciate her conversational writing style and obvious love for God's Word. Each chapter actually makes me want to open up to the Minor Prophets, which is something most other studies on this subject lack. While these books of Scripture are important, they are often difficult to understand and therefore apply. Zempel takes the difficulty out of the picture leaving no excuse for neglecting these short books of the Old Testament.
Dive Deeper focuses on the rich letter of Ephesians by Paul. Ephesians is one of my most favorite books and Jennifer Jernigan has done an excellent job on this study. I very much like the study charts included for the reader to complete. It gives wonderful visual insight into the truths written so long ago. She clearly shows how the ancient words of Paul, inspired by God are as relevant to us today as they were when they were first penned.
Living So That looks at the Scriptures which teach why; the "so that" verses. I honestly never thought of the words "so that" as being very important as I read them. Wendy Blight has changed my perspective completely through this study of God's Word by focusing on Scriptures which contain these very important little words which give instruction and purpose to our Christian walk. I love the idea of studying the "so that" verses and can't wait to dig more deeply into this study.
Leaving the Ordinary invites us to encounter God through prayer and a better understanding of the tabernacle. While the tabernacle can also be a more difficult study Donna Gaines does an excellent job of taking the mysterious and helping readers understand how it can apply to us in our culture and lives so far removed from those ancient tents.
Although each authoress has her own unique style of writing, it's as if you are in conversation with each over a cup of coffee. The easy writing style invites the reader to dig more deeply into Scripture without feeling like you are attending a formal class. I really like how each study is arranged according to the style of the author. The questions and even the pages for response are each formatted differently. This personal touch just adds to the feeling of individual teachers with the same passion for the Word of God.
In addition to the solid biblical content contained within these pages, the simple beauty of the covers beg you to open the cover. Even my young girls have repeatedly asked what these "pretty books" on my shelf are. Even the feel of the cover and pages is comforting and inviting.
This series has just recently been published and I am excited about new titles which will soon be printed. This is a wonderful collection to my personal study collection and I look forward to studying this with friends soon. This series lends itself well to one-on-one discipleship as well as group study. Such deep content will be sure to leave you hungry for more of the Word.
Disclosure: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook.com® <http://BookLook.com> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
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