Well, we are still around! Now that the world has slowed down I have time to get back to an update. As the girls are getting older we have more and more activities going on, which is a wonderful thing. We intentionally stayed away from too much busy when they were little. I'm so glad we did that. They love the activities they are involved in and passionately pursue them.
These include:
Science Classes
Cross Country
Clogging (Traditional Appalachian Dance)
Hand Drumming
Hand Drumming
And more! All three aren't involved in everything on that list, but they do have a nice balance of activities each.
Basketball season ended just as Clogging was getting started, but now everything is on a break.
As our schedule has been abruptly disrupted I decided to do some things differently. Even though we homeschool, our routine has been altered dramatically just like everyone else. So we are doing "together" learning instead of individual studies like we usually do. We aren't doing all of this every day, but we are still getting our schooling in!
(None of these are affiliate postings! Just the resources I use!)
1. History
Using American Girl movies as a jumping off point to study ares of American history. Not using any particular curriculum, just books I already have on my shelf!
Studying individual states
3. French - TalkBox!!!!
Seriously, if you've not looked into this program, do it now! They have a free activity you can do RIGHT NOW to try out their amazing immersion system! Below is a coupon you can use for your first purchase!

Seriously, if you've not looked into this program, do it now! They have a free activity you can do RIGHT NOW to try out their amazing immersion system! Below is a coupon you can use for your first purchase!

We are continuing on with our regular individual math studies and also challenging our minds with lego builds! We have enjoyed watching Lego Masters and this is an awesome in-home friendly version!
5. Fitness - Family Time Fitness
5. Fitness - Family Time Fitness
We haven't used this excellent program in a really long time. We did when the girls were younger, but it's been a while for sure! I'm excited to get back to this program again.
6. Bible - Virtue Training Bible
Again, this was an excellent resource I used a lot (along with the Child Training Bible) when the girls were younger, but as they got older it wasn't as much a part of our daily routines. It's exciting to get back to this at the moment. It is good to refocus on the Lord in the midst of unrest all around us.
We are using Usborne's Complete Shakespeare book read aloud. The girls are also coloring the wonderful Shakespeare notebooking pages from Heart of Dakota!

I would love to hear what you are doing with your days at the moment! Are you keeping the routine the same? Changing things up? Comment below!
6. Bible - Virtue Training Bible
Again, this was an excellent resource I used a lot (along with the Child Training Bible) when the girls were younger, but as they got older it wasn't as much a part of our daily routines. It's exciting to get back to this at the moment. It is good to refocus on the Lord in the midst of unrest all around us.

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