
Hi, my name is Melissa. Pour yourself a cup of tea and stay a while. I'm completely devoted to my Savior, madly in love with my husband, and joyously raising my daughters. I'm so glad you stopped by and I hope you enjoy your time here!

Friday, April 20, 2018

Week in Review: April 16-20

 Sometimes we sit at desks...sort of! Homeschoolers, go figure, right?

This is the time of year I start to really get stressed. Things are wrapping up with my English class I teach and I am full speed ahead towards my piano recital. I have 27 students participating this year! We are keeping up with our schooling, but I'm also working in the background while the girls study. I haven't been great at taking pictures this week, but I have a few!

Rose (7th Grade): Revival to Revolution Unit 14

Most of my photos with Rose these days are her working independently. Honestly, this is how homeschooling is working for us right now in middle school. She studies on her own and then we recap together. It's beautiful really. She is excelling because Heart of Dakota helped me give her the tools she needed to know how to learn instead of merely stuffing facts into her head. 

 Grace (2nd Grade): Bigger Hearts for His Glory Unit 22

This girl is on the move constantly. The fact that she was studying her weekly memory verse from Proverbs sitting down was a miracle! She's typically pacing around as she's working. She's still getting used to her glasses. They are definitely helping and she really loves them!  

Beth (5th Grade): Creation to Christ Unit 29

Beth worked on an acrylic painting as a part of her history project this week. I just realized I think she forgot to finish it! I will have her finish it up tomorrow and post it on Instagram so you can see the finished work. Her water background was gorgeous. 

Friday Science
This week Grace taught her sisters what she has been learning about cells in the human body. She loved this project and had a hard time waiting until Friday to make her edible cell!

They then had fun devouring it as soon as it was finished! 

This was our week. How was yours?
Homeschool Review Crew Weekly Link Up

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