
Hi, my name is Melissa. Pour yourself a cup of tea and stay a while. I'm completely devoted to my Savior, madly in love with my husband, and joyously raising my daughters. I'm so glad you stopped by and I hope you enjoy your time here!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Week in Review: May 26-30

This week was our week for standardized testing which is required by our state. I wouldn't say this is our favorite part of the year, but it isn't too bad. I do like knowing where the girls are academically and since I know testing is just going to be part of getting them ready for college I look at it as preparation. I encourage them to do their best, but try to downplay the importance.

We tried a new test this year which included a full battery. I'm not certain I will do more than the required math and language arts next year. The extra tests did not seem to be extremely useful in my opinion. I did like the layout of this one better than what we have used previously.

If you are looking for a company to order tests from I highly recommend Seton Testing Services. They are an excellent company with excellent service. We receive our tests promptly and the results quite quickly. I plan on using them for the foreseeable future.

So here is a little of what our week look liked with testing. Grace spent a few days with Daddy at the church office while Beth and Rose took turns taking their tests.

Beth took one day to finish her test. She did great and didn't seem to mind the testing at all. She takes most things in stride anyway and did great! We took several breaks to stretch and swing in the backyard and just take a break.

Rose did really well this year taking her test although being in 3rd grade meant for a longer test that we took over the course of 2 days. She has struggled in the past with anxiety over timing so I kept that part to myself. She did wonderful and didn't seem nearly as anxious our previous two years. I'm glad I did tak the time to explain before the test about the "None of these" answers as she has not seen that before.

When we weren't testing....

We played a little ping-pong in the kitchen...

Hung out at our neighborhood pool...

And got a couple of new pets! Meet our apple snails, Shy Guy and Merida. Our fish tank has Glofish which are really cool and now we have a couple of neat snails!

Here's another picture of our cute little apple snails!

So there's our week. Nothing too exciting, but a good week nonetheless, not to mention how exciting it is to be done with testing! Next week we'll start back with school following a lighter summer schedule. See you then!

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