
Hi, my name is Melissa. Pour yourself a cup of tea and stay a while. I'm completely devoted to my Savior, madly in love with my husband, and joyously raising my daughters. I'm so glad you stopped by and I hope you enjoy your time here!

About Us

We're a Christ-following, homeschooling, family of five in full time ministry. Hubby is a pastor in the Christian Missionary Alliance. I'm a full-time homeschooling mommy with a couple of part-time jobs teaching piano lessons and homeschool literature. We are Redskins fans, family game night junkies, and movie buffs...although the Hubby likes action adventure and I like old musicals. 
My girls crave learning new things which makes my job teaching them all that much easier!  

It is really easy to make our lives out to sound really, really good in a blog. We only write about what is pleasant, post pictures of happy children, and make sure they are framed up well so as not to show reality (aka. laundry, messy rooms, little ones having tantrums). Let me assure you that my reality is just as real as yours is! 

Here is my reality...
1. My kids don't always get along or obey. 

2. I don't always get it right as a mom. 
I sometimes have to humbly apologize to my girls. 

3. I'm still trying to figure out how to get a handle on balance my part-time work, housework, and homeschool.
(The housework is the tough one for me!)

4. My husband and I don't always agree. 
When we disagree it isn't always sweetly.

5. Sometimes our school day flops. 

6. Some days I don't always feel like
 being a homeschooling mom.

7. I struggle to maintain my relationship 
with God at the level I want it to be.

8. I sometimes feel inadequate to 
balance all the plates that I do.

9. I compare myself to other homeschooling moms 
who seem to be doing things better than me.

10. The pressures of the ordinary distract me 
just as much as they do you!

You see, I'm just like you. I don't get everything right and I'm learning not to get so down on myself when I mess things up. I'm also learning to rely more on my Savior and extend myself more of the grace He extends to me. 

Here are truths I claim...
1. My Savior doesn't expect perfection, 
just to love Him with all my heart, soul, and mind.

2. My husband doesn't expect me to be perfect,
 just to join him as help-meet daily.

3. My kids don't expect me to be perfect,
 just to love them as they are.

4. Forgiveness needs to be sought whenever sin is involved.

5. Self-discipline doesn't happen magically, it takes practice.

6. We're on this homeschooling journey
 because we believe God led us here.

Those truths are something I'm learning to hold on to and the list will probably grow. In the meantime I will continue to seek God daily, extend myself grace, and strive to live a God-paced, disciplined life. Thank you for joining me on the journey!

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